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How do I import goals?
Updated over 6 months ago

On Javelo, it is possible to create goals manually, but also massively using an Excel file that allows you to import all your goals onto the platform.

⚠️ This feature can only be used to create goals, not to modify them. If you export objectives with the intention of modifying them, and then re-import them, this will create duplicates. The Javelo platform is the only way to modify objectives.

📌 If you want the objectives to go back into the interviews, these will have to be created before your campaign is launched.

Access to goal import on admin side

If you have an HR admin role, go to the Goals menu, then click on Import Goals in the top right-hand corner.

On this page, you'll find a sample Excel file for you to complete, as well as rules to help you make the most of your import.

Access to goal import for managers

If you are a manager, you need to go to the My Team tab, then click on the Goals category and on Import Goals on the right.

On this page, you'll also find a sample Excel file for you to complete, as well as rules to help you make the most of your import.

Here is a summary of the columns contained in the Excel file according to the statuses selected by the administrator in the Objectives category:

  • Id (mandatory) : Lens identifier --> You choose it, it must be unique

  • Parent id : The ID of the parent goal, in case you wish to create a sub-goal

  • Owner (mandatory): the owner of the goal --> must correspond to an existing user's email or user ID (💡 enter your email or the email of the collaborator)

  • Title (mandatory): the lens title

  • Description : Description of the objective

  • Kind (required) : Type of objective --> qualitative or quantitative

  • Status: status --> must be one of the following values: not_started, on_track, at_risk, off_track, unachieved, achieved, overachieved

  • Period (required) : The period over which the target will be created --> 2023, S1 2023, Jan 2023...

  • Period_start and Period_end: the start and end dates --> they must have a date value

  • Start_at and Due_at: the start and end dates --> they must have a date value

  • Unit (mandatory if quantitative target) : Target unit --> %, €, upsells etc...

  • Start_value (mandatory if quantitative target): The starting value --> The value at which you wish to start your objective (0, 100 etc...).

  • Target (mandatory if quantitative target) : The target to be reached (100, 200 etc...)

  • Value (mandatory if quantitative target) : Current value --> Objective progress (Ex / Half of the objective has been reached, so I enter 50% as current value)

  • Priority: priority --> must be a value between 1 and 4

  • Weight: the weight of the target --> must be a positive integer (>1)

  • To assess (required): to assess --> must have a true or false value

  • To fill in this file correctly, here is a reminder of the rules:

  • File size must not exceed 15Mb

  • The accepted file format is: .xlsx

  • All columns in the import file must be present

  • If a lens is in error, the import is cancelled.

  • Accepted date formats are DD/MM/YYYY for start_at + due_at fields only and Jan YYYY, Q1 YYYY (with Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), T1 YYYY (with T1, T2, T3), S1 YYYY (with S1 and S2), YYYY for the period field.

  • A goal can only have one level of depth (parent > child)

  • Dates between parents and children must match

The parent_id must correspond to the id of a parent in the import file.

Once the file has been checked and completed, you can drag it into the import insert or upload it from your computer:

Once the file is integrated :

You will receive an action report by e-mail

- Case 1: The import has worked correctly and shows the number of targets created on the platform.

- Case 2: The import failed. A file attached to the e-mail will enable you to find all the changes to be made before starting again.

⚠️ This feature can only be used to create goals, not to modify them. If you export objectives with the intention of modifying them, and then re-import them, this will create duplicates. The Javelo platform is the only way to modify objectives.

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