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Connecting with Matricule
Updated over a week ago

You have the possibility in Javelo to offer two types of connections to your employees:

  • A connection via email (ideal because it allows you to receive different information by email - especially reminders on the Interviews in progress).

  • A connection via service number for employees without mail.

The principle of connection via registration?

An employee without an email address can Log in in in the same way as an employee using an email but via his or her registration number. The Admin will provide the User with a temporary password, which the User will then need to customize on first login.

⚠️ For added security, never communicate in the same mail the employee's registration number and temporary password.

Making this connection in the best conditions

1. Load information - Admin role: Fill in the excel import file to create your Users if you haven't already.

2. To generate the temporary password the admin can easily generate the temporary password.

Users Tab

Filter on Users "contact information: none"

Select the relevant user(s).

Then select the mode of receipt of the temporary password:

  • Available option "Generate Password for User without Email" = You receive as an admin the data on your inbox and transmit the data to the User

  • Paid option: "Send password reset by mail" >> See Terms and Conditions

Example of a file received by email during "Password Generation for User without Email Address":

The collaborative connection

Armed with his temporary password, login url and registration number, the employee can:

Go to the login url

  • Email or registration ID = Number of employee

  • Password = Temporary password communicated

  • Authenticate

  • Fill in the fields to customize your password

  • Save the password

A personal email address is highly recommended to be autonomous in case of forgotten password. Without this information and in case you forget your password, you will have to ask your Company Admin/HR.

This email address will not be visible to Javelo Administrators and will only be used for this exclusive use.

You can choose whether or not to enter an email address

You can access your Account

How to enable the option to send temporary password by mail

Automate the sending of temporary passwords by postal mail

This option is possible taking into account the following indications:

  • Activation cost = €00

  • Cost of sending by post in metropolitan France = 1.50 €

  • Cost of international mail = €2

📌You will be able to request the activation of this feature to your CSM

In practice

A postal address must be entered from your import file according to the steps below:

  • Export your Javelo database>> How to do it?

  • Complete fields to use this feature

    • Mandatory : adresse_line_1 (Example: 20 rue des Oliviers)

    • Optional: adresse_line_2 (Example: Bat. A, stairs B...)

    • Mandatory : postal_code (Example: 75008)

    • Mandatory : city (Example: Paris)

    • Required : country (Example: France)

  • Import your file to update your Javelo database (This information will not appear on the employee's profile page)

Generate the temporary password

The admin can easily generate the temporary password from the Users tab. and:

  • Filter on Users Contact Information

  • Select the relevant user(s)

  • Then select how you want to receive the temporary password:

    • Paid option Generate password for user without email = the sending will be automatic and the user will receive his password by post

Connection - employee side

Armed with their temporary password, login URL and employee number, they can:

  • Go to the login url

    • Email or registration ID = Employee ID

    • Password = Temporary password communicated

    • Authenticate

  • Fill in the fields to customize your password

  • Save the password

  • A personal email address is strongly recommended to be autonomous in case of forgetting your password. Without this information and in case you forget your password, you will have to contact the Admin/HR of your company.

  • This email address will not be visible to Javelo administrators and will only be used for this exclusive use.

  • You have the choice to enter an email address or not

  • You can access your account

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