Custom fields will be useful in more cases:
Store personal information about your employees
Set up your automatic campaigns
Assign skills
Use this data for your campaign reporting
Default profile page field
Go to the Settings tab > Company > Custom Fields and then Create Custom Field.
A default list is already available, you can:
Enable, disable or modify them at your convenience from the "... "
Create a custom field
Create a custom field in the right format
Custom Field Name: The title of the field
Visibility: You can set up who will see this information
Modification: You can set up who can change this information
Filling option: Text fields
⚠️ To be used only for information such as surname, first name, telephone, registration number, etc.
- Filling option: Drop-down list
Choose this format as much as possible to:
Filter your reports by this information
Filter your graphical reports based on this information
Harmonize your data
Assign a skill
- Filling option: User Reference
📌 This format will be mandatory in the event that you wish to identify evaluators other than the manager in the context of your campaign launches
⚠️ This field should contain an email address in your import file
- Filling option: Date
📌 Use this format if your field provides for a date
⚠️ This format will be necessary to set up your automatic campaigns, for example
- Filling option: URL
📌 Use this format to point to a site or document to which the user will have access.