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Updated over 8 months ago

How to launch a 1-on-1 reviews campaign?

1. In the admin space, from the Reviews > Campaigns tab, you can launch a 1-on-1 interviews campaign in a few clicks.


2. Select the 1-on-1 review type


3. Setup your campaign

You just need to give it a title, define a reviewed period, and chose the people you want to be assessed.

You can chose the whole firm, one or several teams, or one or several employees.


4. Check the list of reviews that are going to be launched

You can cancel the launch of a review by unpicking the relevant box. You can also indicate the reviewers for people that do not have any manager assigned on their profile.


5. Chose the form template among the options

You can preview it.


6. Define the deadlines of the campaign steps

Date on which the users should have done their interview preparation (1) and date on which reviews should be validated by employees and managers.


7. Customize the email to be sent


Now, you just have to click on the Launch the campaign button! :)

Choose the person who will be responsible for the maintenance

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Initiate interviews conducted by an evaluator other than the manager

The links between managers and N-1s are already integrated into Javelo. You are free to create links between other types of people.

It is therefore possible for you to launch interviews that are not carried out by managers but by third parties (HR, N+2, mentors,...).

To start such interviews, you will have to go through 2 steps:

1. Create the titles of the people who conduct the interview with the employee (HR, N+2, mentor,...);

2. Choose this title instead of the manager's in the campaign configuration.

Here are the details of how to proceed, using the example of a professional interview conducted by an HR:

Create the title of the person who will conduct the interview

If you want to create a professional interview conducted by HR: you will first have to create an HR title on the profiles of your employees to be evaluated.

  • Go to Settings > Company > Custom Fields;

  • Click Create Custom Field;

  • Name your field "HR Manager", then customize the confidentiality of the field (visibility and modification on profiles) to your liking;

  • Select the fill option: User reference.

Now, you can assign your users HR managers to interview them by filling in your new field (either via import file or manually in user profiles).

Otherwise, you will be invited to complete them directly in the campaign afterwards (see end of the article).

Select your new "HR Manager" label in the professional interview campaign configuration

To set up your campaign with your HR managers as assessors, follow the classic campaign launch steps.

⚠️ In step 2 "Collaborators", in "choose the main reviewer", scroll down the drop-down menu and select the field you just created: "HR manager".

It is also possible to combine an evaluator and a second validator, for example the manager on the one hand and an HR manager on the other. In other words, the field you created in step 1 will also be available in the Choose a second validator section.

If your HR Manager field has not been completed on your users' profiles, Javelo will tell you which evaluators to fill in manually in interviews.

⚠️ The manager will still keep a view of the interview.

Launch annual reviews every 2 years on employees who have more than 2 years of seniority

The automatic campaign module can allow you to set up a launch of professional interviews every 2 years for employees with more than 2 years of seniority.

To set up this feature, you will need to follow the following protocol:

1. Create a field on the profile page titled "Last Interview Date" and then select the "Date" fill option

After creating the custom field, you will need to fill in the date of the last professional interview of the employees concerned.

You can fill in this information directly on the employee's profile page or via the excel import file.

2. Set up the automatic campaign launch 2 years after the date of the last interview

Warning! Launching an automatic campaign requires the creation of a specific interview framework for automatic campaigns.

A video on how to set up authentic campaignscan be found attached.

You will now be able to repeat this automatic campaign creation process once a year, after having modified the date of your employees' last interviews beforehand.

Example of a follow-up email received by employees in the context of a massive reminder in the campaign

To make a massive reminder in the campaign, you can consult the article How to follow up with several participants in a campaign at once?

The email received by employees as part of a massive reminder in the campaign details page will look like this with the elements outlined in red in the image above corresponding to personalized elements, namely respectively:

  • The name of the administrator who raises (automatically populated)

  • Title of the reminder email that you will have indicated in the 1st box of the window above.

  • Campaign name (automatically populated)

  • Content of the reminder email that you will have indicated in the 2nd box of the window above

Anniversary Date Interviews

On Javelo, you have the possibility to launch annual interviews on your birthday.

To do this, you can choose between 2 types of configuration:

1. Your interview does not have the evaluation and goal creation module

In this case, you will need to create a field on the profile page titled Start Date or Hire Date and then select the "Date" fill in option

After creating the custom field, you will need to fill in the hiring date of your employees concerned.

You can fill in this information directly on the employee's profile page or via the excel import file.

The last step is to launch an automatic campaign and configure the launch of it, 2 years after the date of hire.

⚠️ Launching an automated campaign requires the creation of a specific maintenance frame for automated campaigns.

If you wish, you can plan the launch of the second campaign by repeating the process above, while changing the launch date to "4 years after the date of hire".

Your next 2 annual interview campaigns will therefore be ready to be launched automatically every 2 years for 4 years.

2. Your interview campaign has the module for evaluating and/or creating goals

In this case, you will first need to create groups according to the month of arrival of the employees. An article on the concept and creation of groups is available attached

Ex: George Clooney joined the company in June 2020, so I created a group with the title "June 2020" and I add George Clooney to this group.

You will then launch a single campaign of individual interviews on the employees of your choice (ideally employees who arrived in the current month)

Ex: We are in June 2022, I am launching a campaign on the group June 2020

You will then just have to add, as you go, the groups of the month corresponding to the current month on your current campaign.

Exit interviews

As you may have different notice periods for different types of employees when leaving, we offer you a Javelo workflow to efficiently organize your exit interviews:

Generate exit interviews automatically according to date criteria

> Using the automatic campaign module

First, add the release date information to your platform via a profile field :

1. Create the "exit date" field in Settings > Company > Custom fields > Create custom field ;

2. Configure the field: field name, visibility, modification ;

3. Choose the filling option: Date

4. Enregistrez.

Just a few clicks are all it takes to set up your automatic campaign, which in turn generates interviews for the right people at the right time

1. Create the exit interview questionnaire, in automatic interview format (Performance tab > Campaign, click on Questionnaires > Create a questionnaire > Automatic individual interview)

2. Create your campaign in the Performance > Campaigns tab, then click on Create a campaign and select Automatic individual maintenance.

3. Let us guide you through the steps. In the rules for creating a new interview, choose Customized date fields and enter, for example, "3 months before Exit date".

Please note:

  • In the "Employees to assess" section, select "Entire company".

  • In the choice of template, only your questionnaires in automatic campaign format are proposed.

  • If HR is conducting the exit interview, here's a tutorial on how to place HR as an interview campaign assessor.

All that's left to do is launch the campaign: your exit interview workflow is ready and can be used indefinitely (as long as the automatic campaign is not closed).

For each new departure, simply enter the employee's departure date on his or her profile:

Go to the employee's profile (Users tab and click on the employee's name)

  1. Cliquez sur Éditer le profil en haut à droite

2. Click on Edit profile at top right

3. Enter the date in the Planned release date field and save.

💡 You can also use a classic campaign for your exit interviews. Launch a campaign, leave it open and add a new interview with each new release.

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