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Suggestions for questionnaire's development
Suggestions for questionnaire's development
Updated over 5 months ago

Find here inspiration for your questions to build your interview frameworks

Review of the past period

General assessment of the missions

1. Which event(s)/change(s) have had a positive or negative influence on your business?

2. Generally speaking, how do you evaluate your performance?

  • Falls short of expectations

  • Meets expectations

  • Exceeds expectations

  • Exceptionally exceeds expectations

3. I take stock of my performance and my objectives set with my manager

4. Describe your activity over the past period with 5 adjectives in terms of missions and achievements

5. Which project(s)/mission(s) did you find particularly motivating? What for? Which one(s) have been less so? What for?

6. If you go back to your projects for the year one by one, what feedback would you give on your work?

7. Which projects have brought you the most satisfaction? What for?

8. Which projects have brought you the least/the least satisfaction? What for?

9. What is the level of your achievements compared to what you were hoping for?

  • Very good

  • Good

  • Identical

  • Medium

  • Bad

  • Very bad

10. What are the highlights of the past period?

11. Evaluates the quality of the work provided

  • Insufficient / Expected high efforts

  • Needs improvement / Expected progress

  • Good

  • Exceptional / To be highlighted

12. Evaluates the amount of work done (productivity)

  • Insufficient / Expected high efforts

  • Needs improvement / Expected progress

  • Good

  • Exceptional / To be highlighted

13. Were the missions you had been entrusted with clear? Are the priorities well identified?

14. To what extent do you consider yourself in control of your position?

  • Excellent mastery of the position

  • Good control of the position

  • Mastery to be developed

15. Are your skills well used in your current position?

16. Do you have skills that are not used much today?

17. Are there any elements to add to your job description?

18. Feedback Collection Framework

  • Start = what should I start doing?

  • Improve = what should I improve?

  • Keep = what should I keep doing?

  • Stop = what should I stop doing?

General personal assessment

1. What is your state of mind at the moment?

  • Motivated and committed

  • Point of attention / small drop in speed

  • Neutral

2. How do you evaluate your commitment to the company?

  • Bad

  • Weak

  • Neutral

  • Good

  • Very good

3. Frequency of feedback: Are you satisfied with the feedback you have on your work?

4. How do you feel in your team?

  • Very well

  • Ok

  • Neutral

  • Not very integrated

  • Isolated

5. How do you perceive the relationships with the other teams?

6. Are you satisfied with the working atmosphere at Javelo?

  • Very satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Unsatisfied

  • Very dissatisfied

7. How do you rate your workload:

  • 50%

  • 70%

  • 90%

  • 100%

  • Overloaded

8. In case of overload, is it temporary, regular or permanent?

  • Temporary

  • Regular

  • Permanent

9. Does your working time allow you to finalize all your tasks and missions?

10. How would you describe the balance between your personal life and your professional activity:

  • Highly unsatisfactory

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Satisfactory

  • Very satisfying

11. If you're not satisfied, how can we work on it?

12. What is your overall level of satisfaction for this year?

  • Very satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Unsatisfied

  • Very dissatisfied

13. What did you have the most fun about this year?

14. On the other hand, what did you dislike?

15. Looking back on your year, you would say that you are...

  • Very satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Unsatisfied

  • Very dissatisfied

16. In general, how do you feel in your job?

17. Are you satisfied with your current position?

18. Do you feel that your work is sufficiently recognized and valued at Javelo?

19. What are your points of satisfaction with your team?

20. Describe your year in 3 adjectives.

Success Stories

1. Which project(s) / mission(s) did you particularly enjoy?

2. What did you feel comfortable / proud of?

3. In what did you feel particularly successful?

4. In your opinion, what are your successes over the past period?

5. What is your greatest achievement of the year? What did you achieve this success thanks to?

6. What do you do best?

7. What are your mastered missions?

8. What do you like most about your missions?

9. What are the major points of satisfaction over the past period? (e.g. personal or team development, the success of a project or the launch of a new project)

10. My satisfactions: I express my feelings and I hear those of my manager (I loved, learned, won, understood, grown, I'm proud of...)

11. Make a list of your successes and explain how you got there

12. What are your strengths?

13. What are your strengths?

14. What is your greatest achievement?

15. What skills / business expertise have you developed?

Assessment of the difficulties

1. Which project(s) did you like less? What did you feel less comfortable in?

2. What are the main points of difficulty encountered over the period? (Points that made it difficult to achieve the objectives or the achievement of the mission in an overall way)

3. What actions should be implemented to ensure that difficulties do not recur?

4. Are there any points of vigilance that you want to address?

5. What is your biggest failure of the year? How could it have been avoided?

6. Which project(s) have failed partially or completely? What for? What did you lack to achieve them?

7. Are there things that you have problems with on a daily basis?

8. My frustrations: I express my feelings and I hear those of my manager (I didn't like it, I was disappointed, frustrated, I encountered difficulties...)

9. What are your areas for improvement?

10. What do you think are your areas for improvement that you will need to work on to achieve your goals?

Training report

1. In tabular form

  • Training courses carried out

  • Skills implemented

  • Name one or more application examples

  • Level of satisfaction

2. In tabular form

  • Training courses carried out

  • Results in professional situations

  • Feedback

3. Who was behind this training(s)?

4. Since the end of your training(s), have you been able to put into practice the knowledge acquired during it(s)?

  • Yes, totally

  • Yes, partially

  • No

5. If "Yes, partially" or "no", what is the reason for this?

  • The opportunity did not present itself

  • The opportunity has not yet presented itself but he should have other opportunities

  • The training provided was not or insufficiently adapted to my needs

  • The training did not take place at the right time

  • The employee has changed jobs in the meantime

  • Other (specify)

6. Since the end of your training(s), have you been able to put into practice the knowledge acquired during it(s)?

  • Regularly

  • Occasionally

  • Never

Evaluation and updating of objectives

Do you think that some of your objectives should be updated? If so, what are your suggestions?


1. What are your motivational levers? Scale from 1 to 5 to compare the level of importance and the level of satisfaction

  • Work atmosphere: I have the feeling of working in a friendly and caring atmosphere

  • Team spirit: I appreciate my colleagues and feel part of the group

  • Content of the work: the missions entrusted to me interest me and I find meaning in them

  • Professional development: I feel like I'm learning and developing my skills

  • Remuneration: I feel that I am fairly compensated for my work/contribution

  • Recognition: I feel that my contribution is recognized and valued

  • Work/life balance: the position corresponds to my life desires

2. What are, for you, the three most important motivational levers?

3. I prefer...

  • Joining a united team that does not necessarily achieve its objectives

  • Joining a team that always achieves its objectives but is not necessarily united

4. I prefer...

  • Being very well paid in a team where the social climate is not necessarily very good

  • Being paid less in a team where the social climate is exceptional

Projection for the coming period

Training & Tool Needs

1. What would you need to go further in the coming months (training, tools, analysis...)?

2. Do you think you have a need for training? If so, which one?

3. Are there other ways to develop your skills (tutoring, self-training, etc.)?

4. Summary of the priority skills development points for the year and the action plans and necessary resources

5. What skills do you want to work on?

Evolution over the coming period

1. What could you do differently this year?

2. What are your projects/wishes for development and when do you need to do so?

3. Are there any topics you would like to get involved in?

4. What are your main challenges for the coming period?

5. Is there a position in the company that could match your desire for development?

6. Would you like to apply for one of our open positions?

7. What skills do you want to develop in the coming period?

8. What contribution do you want to make to the company/team in the coming period?

9. What are you not doing at the moment but would like to do?

10. How do you project yourself in 1 year, in the longer term?

11. How do you see yourself in 5 years?

12. How do you think you will be better in the next period?

13. If you had to choose one last objective for the coming period, what would it focus on?

  • Technical/Expertise

  • Team cohesion

  • Innovation/creativity

  • The challenge

  • Autonomy

  • Work/life balance

  • Recognition

  • Other

14. How can we work together to achieve these goals?

15. What do you want to develop/change in your role? Do you need help?

16. What are your wishes for development? In your current position? To another position or geographical mobility? When will it happen?

17. What new topic/task would you like to explore in the next period?

18. What challenges do you see for the future for your team?

19. Do you anticipate any difficulties / obstacles in achieving your goals?


1. Are you satisfied with your management?

2. Do you have any particular expectations of your manager?

3. How do you perceive the relationship with your manager? (Positive, negative, suggestions)

4. What could he/she improve or change for the coming period?

5. How could he/she help you in the coming period?

6. Does your manager help you learn and improve?

7. Does your manager give you enough autonomy, enough space to evolve?

8. Do you feel free to challenge your manager if you feel there would be a better way to proceed?

9. Is your manager giving you enough useful feedback?

10. How do you consider your manager's listening skills and taking your opinion into account?

11. What are the strengths and weaknesses of management?

Corporate Culture

1. Do you know our company values and have you read/heard them recently?

2. Do you consider that the company's displayed values correspond to the real values? If not, why?

Work Environment

1. How do you rate your working environment (clarity of your mission and your objectives, distribution of the workload, material conditions available, dissemination and regular circulation of information, regular feedback on your work, working atmosphere, training opportunities, safety and comfort at work)? What do you need to put a 10?

2. Are you satisfied with your work environment?

  • Very satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Unsatisfied

  • Very dissatisfied

3. Is your work environment ...

  • Perfect, nothing to change

  • Suitable

  • Some points for improvement

  • Urgent need to work on it

Company Feedback

1. What is Javelo's main strength?

2. What is the major point of improvement of Javelo?

3. Do you think the short-, medium- and long-term strategy of our company is clear?

3. Are you aware of the global challenges of Javelo? What are they?

4. Do you know Javelo's values? Have you read/heard them in the last few months?

5. If you had to recommend Javelo to a future recruitment candidate, what is the first point you would highlight?

6. If you had to advise against Javelo to a future recruitment candidate, what is the first point you would highlight?

7. Do you have any ideas and/or recommendations for internal processes?

8. Define Javelo in 3 words

9. Right to disconnect: assesses the burden of using professional digital tools

10. What action(s) could we implement at Javelo to make you feel (even) better?

11. What has marked you the most during this period in the different achievements or decisions at Javelo?

12. Do you feel that the work of your team is sufficiently recognized and valued at Javelo?

Employee Referrals

In your opinion, who has contributed the most to the development of our company/your team this year (3 people maximum)? Why?


1. Do you think that your salary is in line with the responsibilities, functions performed and the workload?

2. What are your salary expectations? Why?

3. For information purposes and without it being binding for Javelo, what is the salary you would like to have?

Information for the employee

1. Would you like more information on the retirement scheme?

2. Do you know the CPF (Personal Training Account)? Would you like more information on this?

3. Are you familiar with Professional Development Counseling? Would you like more information on this?

Professional interview

1. This interview is conducted

  • As part of the biennial obligation (at least every two years)

  • After maternity leave

  • After parental leave (or period of reduced activity)

  • After family support leave

  • After adoption leave

  • After a sabbatical

  • After a long-term sick leave

  • After a period of secure voluntary mobility

2. Since your arrival at Javelo, have you benefited from training(s)/certification(s) in favor of your career development?

  • One or more training courses

  • A VAE (Validation of Prior Learning by Experience)

  • A skills assessment

  • One or more certifications

  • None of the following

3. Have you received a raise/promotion since you joined Javelo?

Interview for executives on a daily package

1. How do you assess your workload?

  • 50%

  • 70%

  • 90%

  • 100%

  • Overloaded

2. In case of overload, is it temporary, regular or permanent?

  • Temporary

  • Regular

  • Permanent

3. How would you describe the balance between your personal life and your professional activity?

  • Highly unsatisfactory

  • Unsatisfactory

  • Satisfactory

  • Very satisfying

4. Have you taken any leave in the last 6 months?

  • Yes

  • No


1. Are there any other points you would like to address?

2. Do you have any other expectations that we haven't mentioned?

3. How do you evaluate this interview?

4. Would you like an interview with an HR manager?

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