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Javelo admin roles
Updated over 6 months ago

As part of Javelo's deployment, but also at an advanced stage of its use, you will be asked to set up admin roles. This will involve selecting the various collaborators to whom you will grant the right to carry out administrative operations on the platform.

Give an administrator role to a user

To do so, go to the administrator area, in the Collaborators tab. Click on the three small dots at the end of the corresponding collaborator's line and select Set admin roles.

⚠️ Please note that in order to grant any rights to a user on Javelo, you will need to own the user by default.

Then select the role(s) you wish to assign to the user.

The different roles and their impact

HR can :

● Access all the interviews that have been launched on the platform.

● Create questionnaires, launch and monitor company-wide interview campaigns

● Access all campaigns launched by Group HR

● Edit user profile information

● Give HR rights to any platform user.

The corporate admin can :

● Add and remove users from the platform Edit groups in the tool

● Give all types of rights to any platform user.

● Edit user profile information

⚠️ To be able to modify the manager on a profile page, the Group Rh must belong to the same group as the user concerned.)

Group HR :

● Access to all types of interviews launched on the people in your perimeter via the explore tab.

● Create questionnaires

● Launch and follow up interview campaigns for its perimeter. There's also the possibility of giving it visibility on a launched campaign.

● Edit information on the profiles of users within its perimeter

● Give group HR rights on managed groups to any platform user.

● He also has visibility over the users in his perimeter.

How do I use roles on Javelo?

Here are a few examples/tips:

  • Grant the HR role to project manager(s) and key users on the HR side : They will take care of creating questionnaires and launching campaigns.

  • Grant the role of company admin to HR assistants : They will be responsible for the administrative management of Javelo collaborators (adding and deleting users, creating groups and managing profile page fields).

  • According the group HR role to department directors/heads of departments : They will be able to launch campaigns on their employees without going through HR.

  • According roles temporarily: This will enable a user to perform the desired actions during a defined period. Before granting a role/right on Javelo, be sure to find out what impact it could have. The HR role, for example, will give access to all interviews on the platform (all responses).

  • Delete rights after an employee leaves or following a change of position. The employee in question loses his or her rights.

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