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Updated over 3 months ago

The Insights category allows you to visualize the whole company's results. The indicators are the same as the ones used for individual campaigns but averages and totals are calculated based on the results of every employee's last campaign.

For example, if an employee was evaluated six months ago, and another two months ago, both their results will be mixed to create an average.


You can filter results by the following criterias:

  • Group

  • Custom fields

Future growth

Future growth is the graphical representation of Section 4, Short-term evolution for the whole company. To see the result for each category, hover your mouse on the different parts of the graph to see on the right which percentage of employees have been classified in one of the four Development categories by Reviewers, and on the left the exact number of employees.

Flight risk

Flight risk is the average of employees in the company that reviewers think are about to leave the company (Section 6).

Comparable results

A graph of the average of each dimension (Performance, Impact of Leaving, Commitment, Potential) for every employee in the company.

Evaluation highlights

The different boxes show an average of the results on all the Talent reviews carried out in the company but it is possible to filter the Rated according to the different categories:

  • Top talent: Rated with outstanding performance and potential (combination of High Performance and High Potential).

  • Top potential: Has a high growth potential.

  • Top Performer: Constantly demonstrates strong performance.

  • Succession plan: Requires a defined transfer plan to succeed.

  • Leaver: Show signs of wanting to leave.

  • Not committed: Lack of dedication and long-term commitment.

  • Low potential: Shows minimal growth and future contributions.

  • Lower performer: Operates below standard and needs improvement.

  • Risky leaver: Lack of commitment and dedication.


Based on the group you are part of, you will get access to more or less information on the Matrix.

  • HR: Access the whole of the Matrix.

  • Group HR: Access the group they are responsible of and can filter and per employee.

  • Manager: Access only employees they are responsible for.

  • Reviewers: Access only to their reviewees.

With Matrix, select the variables you want to compare. In Y, you can select the answers to questions about employees' potential (on the right):

  • Performance

  • Potential

  • Future growth

  • Impact of leaving

  • Flight risk

and for X (at the bottom), answers' about employees' performance.

  • Potential

  • Commitment

  • Future growth

  • Impact of leaving

  • Flight risk

Select with the menu the data you would like to put in parallel on the two axes of the graph.

The colored panels represent the correlation between two variables. The proportion of employees is indicated as a percentage in every panel where two variables intersect.

Then, click on a panel to see the details of the employee, their manager and their evaluation.

With the filters at the top you can filter per:

  • Groups

  • Custom fields


The reviewee's board displays all of the employee and their results from their latest Talent Review.

You can filter Reviewees by the following criterias:

  • Tags

  • Launch date

  • Progress

  • Group

  • Custom fields

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